Tuesday, October 7, 2014

"So... what's going on with ch.30, you guys?"

Hi everyone, we're sorry that chapter 30 is taking so long and we know ch.31 is coming out in just 3 days in Japan, but due to some circumstances we haven't been able to finish it. We're actively working on it, but I can't tell you exactly when it will be finished.

If you can translate from Japanese or know someone who can and want to help we would really appreciate it! Please send us a mail to le.wishful.scanlation@gmail.com

Thanks for your time and we hope you can be patient with us, we're trying to get it done as fast as we can but this time it isn't as simple as it usually is u_u.

Best wishes,


  1. Don't worry, we appreciate what you do and we can wait. Thank you for stickin' with it.

  2. If it weren't for you there would be no chance for me to read it at all, so I don't mind waiting. You are awesome! Thanks a lot!

  3. Sorry that i cant help you..>~< thank you so muuch for keep translating koi dano ai dano and lewishful scans is always the best! <3

  4. Thanks for letting us know! I love reading this manga, and I'm just happy that you are continuing to work on it when you have time available. If it takes some time, so be it.

    Much love and appreciation for your hard work!

  5. it's alright! ^_~ i don't mind waiting :D
    thank you for your hard work!

  6. Waiting for your scans is one of the things that makes my life worth living...

  7. I'm just glad there's some news/ notice. I almost got worried it's been dropped.

  8. Though I really am itching to read Chapter 30, I really don't mind waiting. I still suck at kanji so translation is my salvation from this. XD

  9. ^ hoho. it's the Seiji Weiss up there. was planning on making a comment myself. :P anyway, totally willing to wait. :) I wish I could help but I know no kanji TT^TT 9 best of luck!

  10. I can definitely wait no matter how long the scanlation process takes because this series is worth it. Take as much time as you need because you people are doing quality work. :)
